800 pound gorillas

I don't know why, but I have always liked the 800 pound gorillas of the unix world.

Along the same vain, I tend to use the tools (all be it small) that others tend to avoid.

I guess in true unix fashion, I tend tend to like the tools that are extremely powerful that will do my bidding. I find it worth the time it takes to learn the tools.

I don't know why, but I find myself at home and comfortable with the 800 pound gorillas of the unix world. (I've even used things like Cygwin (or direct ports) to use them on Windows.

Do you remember the scene in Instinct where Ethan Powell (Anthony Hopkins) is sitting in the jungle when the alpha male sits behind him, thus accepting him in to the group as one of them? Remember how peaceful and content Ethan was when he realized what happened? Yep, that's how I feel with my 800 pound gorillas around me.